Corporate Network Whitelisting

Required Domains

Based on the information provided to our team, the following domains will be used by the Lumi platform during your meeting. If you have any questions, or make any changes to previously-discussed elements of your meeting, please reach out to your assigned Lumi technology specialist to update this list.

Note: Domains highlighted in red indicate high bandwidth usage. You may want to consider split-tunneling these, or otherwise prepare for increased traffic.

Here's a list of the ports in-use:

80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) for dashboard and all clients (80 is only used to perform a HTTP 301 redirect to the HTTPS port). Lumi never transmits data over unencrypted channels. All data to/from our systems is encrypted in-transit.

Persistent connections:

Lumi AGM Mobile (web-based attendee apps, and the web dashboard) make use of persistent TCP connections to enable the server to push state changes directly to the client (polls, messaging etc). In the case of the dashboard and the HTML web apps, this is done through a WebSocket connection on port 443 (HTTPS). The persistent connection is a requirement for all clients; there is no "fall back" to a non-persistent connection mechanism. Therefore, customers' networks must allow for these sorts of connections otherwise operation will fail. Proxy servers or firewalls that disallow connections of this type should be configured to allow them for Lumi AGM.


Q: Why can't Lumi give us a list or block of IP addresses for us to whitelist?

A: Unfortunately, whitelisting by IP address(es) is not possible because:

Our servers make use of redundant load balancers whose IP addresses are subject to change without notice, Because of this, they must be referred to by their DNS names.

Much of the content that is delivered to our clients (web dashboards and attendee apps) comes from our AWS CloudFront CDN. This content must be referred to by DNS name because the content is actually stored on many edge node servers and two clients will access this content from completely different IPs depending on their physical geography.